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Final morning in Placencia |
Arriving at the airport, we said our goodbye to Ken and Phillipe, we all headed to check in our luggage and get our boarding passes. Once inside the waiting area we all ventured into the stores and got last minute souvenirs. Our flight to Miami got delayed, yet we said bye to Walkiria since she was on a different flight. The rest of us were waiting until our time to get into the plane, so Prof. Lia and myself got some lunch to eat while our way to Miami.

So we are sitting inside the plane, and literally over and hour inside, waiting to departure....when the captain on the loud speaker says we need to leave this plane due to mechanics and its going out of service. So we go back into the waiting room and thanks to our professor who got Bal and I, Pizza Hut. As we are finishing our pizza the person from our flight says we have to go all the way from E9 to D50 gate to get on that plane to go to JFK. Race to the other gate....we kept the same seats and off we go back home. We arrive Saturday morning, my dad picked me up, said goodbye to everyone, and off to my own bed. WHAT A TRIP.
The Legend of Walkiria's Bag
Day 10
Today would be the day we leave this beautiful country. Waking up was tougher than any other day I've woke up in the morning. The bed was too comfortable perhaps. I get ready and make sure I packed all the things that I had. I double checked and triple checked the bed, the night tables, the bathrooms I wasn't leaving anything. I get my suitcase outside and head out the door. I take a couple of pictures with my brain to help me not to forget the beautiful scenery. It was too beautiful to even forget. We walk to the professor's cabin and we wait a while, we call to her but no answer. Then we saw her walk toward the cabin she had already been up and having breakfast. We follow her to the restaurant and we order something quick so that our stomach aren't empty while we are on our way to the airport. When we walk to the taxi, it's our good friend Felipe. He loaded the bags to the car and we finished our breakfast quickly. We got in the car and drove off. My flight was at 1:35pm I had enough time and the girl's flight was at 12:00pm. As we are driving Baljinder, Dani, and myself have conversations about everything and anything. It made the ride go by faster. We reminisced about the trip we even hoped to come back to Belize because it's such an amazing place.
The car ride might of felt smooth but we felt a bit car sick.. might of been because we rushed our breakfast down our throats. Half way on the road, Felipe pulls over to a gas station and let's us come out to stretch and use the restrooms.. Thank goodness he did I was getting really car sick.
We get in the car and continue on the drive. We get to the airport and say our last goodbyes to Ken and the taxi driver. It was nice having to spend time with them. I go to where Delta airlines check in was and the other girls go where American Airlines. When I checked in I used the Kiosk machine and I printed my boarding card. I went to the agent to check in my bigger bag so it can be on the same plane as me (This time my bag won't have a second legend story). After having checked in and all I meet up with the girls so that we can go past security together and then we'd have to go our separate ways. We were in the waiting area I was Gate 4 and American Airlines was Gate 5. I sat with them and waited till our plane arrived. The girl's found out that their plane has been delayed from where ever it's coming from. So I concluded they'd be leaving at the same time I would. 1:30 pm arrived and their plane still didn't arrive. We saw some boutiques in the airport and we decided to shop and see what there is to buy. I bought some things for my family to bring back to them. I got my little sister a little toucan, my mother a mug, I got myself some books, I got my aunt a framed quote and my cousin a globe with an iguana because she likes that animal, two mini bottles of Belizean rum and a post card for a good friend who loves post cards. I was waiting for Delta airlines announcements in case they called my name and they did. I went to the agent and picked up my new boarding card. I was in first class and she told me in 20 minutes they should begin the boarding process. I say bye to Professor Lia, Dani, Baljinder and Patricia I grab all my belongings and walk to the gate. Lia is walking behind me to make sure that I board the plane and I don't get left behind (sometimes I've learned she's literally like a mother). I give my ticket, they scan it and I walk to the plane I board it and I sit in my seat (1C) and sit down.
Now I'm in Atlanta the previous flight was good. I had to go through immigration and customs (That's always been scary for me, but I know it's important). I see the line and I went on it. The guy says "Where you see a green light you may use that kiosk" I found one and I did the customs form on it, it took my picture then printed my customs form. I walk to the other line after I was done and wait till I was called. 2 people ahead of me and I watch the process of how the immigration officers do their job. Suddenly, it's my turn and he calls next. He ask me where I came from and I said Belize and he said What did I go for and I answered study abroad, then he asked me what did I bring back and I said my knowledge. He looked at me and laughed, I laughed too I think I might of made his night. Then I had to get my luggage and recheck it to my final destination. I found my bag and walked over to security and left my bag with the agent who was taking care of the flight to NY-JFK. My flight to New York isn't until 8pm and I had arrived in from Belize City at 5. I had a couple hours to spare. Finally 8pm arrived and they were starting the boarding process. I kept watching the screen to track whether I would get on the plane or not. Finally, I hear them call my name I go to the desk and they give me my new boarding pass. I went to board the plane and soon enough I'd be home.
Flying out of Atlanta is always the hardest simply because the airport in Atlanta is a busy airport.
Finally I land in New York. I cringed at the thought of cold air especially since I am coming back from a hot and tropical place. My mother calls me and asks me "Where are you ?" and I say I just landed. She told me to go to baggage claim, where she works to meet her. I exit the plane and I walk all the way from gate B38 to the end of the gates and turn to get to baggage claim. In the meantime I take out my mother's gift so that when I see her I want her to see it. I get to carousel 10 where baggage claim is and I call out to her, she comes out and she says "My daughter! I miss you". I was happy to see her and glad to be with her. Since then I started to reminisce about Belize and tell her everything I did and all that happen. Then, we went home and that was my Day 10!
Baljinder's Blog:
Friday January 16, 2015. Today was the day we were going back home. We woke up early in the morning to make sure we were packed and ready to go. We met Prof. Lia, Ken, and Jacob at The Shack for breakfast although we were unaware that if we wanted breakfast we'd have to be there for 6:30 am. We ordered coffee and literally swallowed it down and rushed to the van. When we were loading up the taxi, to our surprise our taxi driver from day one was there. We were so happy to see him.
Soon enough we were loaded into the van and we headed off Placencia to the International Airport. We couldn't believe that we were already leaving. There was so much more to see. Most of our ride consisted of talking and learning more and more about each other and our backgrounds.
Because we drank the coffee so fast some of us started to feel sick, but were alleviated of the nausea once we stepped out of the van for some fresh air and a bathroom break. Ken's flight was at 10 so we didn't want to have any delays in our venture. Walkiria's flight was at 12:30 to Atlanta, Georgia. The rest of ours was at 1:30 to Florida. From our locations we were to connect to our connecting flights to NYC.
The flight to Florida was about two and a half hours and about an hour and a half was spent in immigration forms and check in.
Patricia had a short problem because she was led to a different line.
From there Dani was supposed to go to another flight heading towards LaGuardia Airport in NYC, while ours was to JFK Airport.
We boarded the plane at 6:30 pm. Unfortunately we encountered some problems when the maintenance had an unresolved issue. We were sitting on the plane for almost two hours until we were told to de-board. I was getting impatient while sitting there and not moving. I felt so sorry for Patricia for having to hear it from me being impatient.
My mom was already at the airport waiting for me to come since the flight was to land around 9:40 pm. Prof. Lia was trying to comfort me and told me its not my fault. Eventually the airline found another plane for us to board onto and we headed back to NYC. I was telling Patricia that we could have stayed a day longer in Belize if this were the case.
We landed around 1:00 am, my mom and little sister were happy to see me. Once I collected my bags We bid farewell to each other and headed home.
This was my adventure to and from Belize. I hope to go back some day and experience more than all the fabulous things I learned.
Dani's Blog
Last day in Belize, last day in Placencia, last day in paradise. Gosh, what an adventure it has been! We all watched the sun rise for the last time, took at least a thousand more pictures and met up with our old friend Phillipe. No time for breakfast, so we all piled in and took off for the airport. The Belizian landscape flashed by at a pace seemingly days faster than it had been within the first days we arrived. In no time we were back in Belize City, organizing our belongings and getting ready to board the plane. A delay allowed us to pick up some last minute souvenirs for friends and families back home, and soon enough we were boarded looking out on the country I had come to love for the last time (last time this trip, I have every intention of returning)
Walkiria left on a different plane, so Bal, Professor Lia, Patricia and I all left together, and like a blink of an eye we were back in the states. Immigration however, was anything but swift. Patricia was held up for a brief time, and unfortunately I couldn't change flights so we could all be together, so once we passed through customs we had to go our separate ways. My plane was delayed for over an hour although it surprisingly wasn't too terrible, and after phasing in and out of sleep I was once again in the concrete jungle I called home.
By no means was I in the mood to deal with trains, buses, shuttles, or anything of the public transportation species, so I took a cab and went straight home (my first cab!) but not before navigating the airport and receiving my first call since I was back (my beloved Benji). Once home I got a text from Bal explaining they were delayed for hours back in Florida, so I guess for me it was a good thing that I couldn't change flight. I got into my apartment, set down my things (gear, trinkets, clothes and all) flipped through a few photos on my phone (to remind me that all this really did happen) and soon after fell asleep.
Belize, what a beautiful adventure you were!
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